Friday, February 27, 2009

BIG Sigh! (In a good way)

Ok so I am back!

Goodness, today was a day where I woke up and thought, "Man, it's going to be a good day!" I got lots of sleep last night, and I had my "good" classes to teach today. (teachers you know what I mean! ha!) WELL, even though I was a bit to busy to notice I was just simply stinkin TIRED today!

What in the world?? Cletus the fetus (as Aaron calls our baby....yes it's true) makes me SLEEPY SLEEPY!

Ok so back to Aaron calling the baby CLETUS! hahaha, he is so sweet though. Every morning when we wake up he says "Good Morning Cletus" I just laughed out loud!! and he will periodically check on him/her...talking to yes, still.....Cletus!!

Don't worry, we are NOT naming our child CLETUS, but I am sure it will make for some good laughs for the poor kid!

Here are some very overdue pics of Cletus, and my belly.

Even though I SWORE I would never be the girl who puts pictures of her belly on the ya go!!


Cole said...

I love Cletus the Fetus! Way to enjoy your pregnancy! Tell Aaron I said hello!

Mandi said...

I love Cletus too! You are so adorable with your tiny belly...I think the booty and the belly both stick out about the same! ;) Wish we were there! Love ya!

Megan said...

You are SO CUTE! And so is little Cletus! :)

Allen & Carrie said...

Oh you are so cute! Can't wait for Cleet to get here!

Teresa Dyson said...

Is that my daughter with the tiny pooching belly? You look precious! Thank goodness Cletus is not his/her real name! Glad you are enjoying your life!! Love U and Aaron both,
MOM in Pampa

Kristi said...

You look great! Lane has those little brown penny loafers... love them!

Nate and Heather said...

omg that is the funniest thing i've read all day! you guys are hilarious!