Monday, April 28, 2008

I've been thinking....

So I've been thinking... the only thing that makes life worth living is Jesus Christ. Yes I did just throw that out there, but really it's true. Why do I get up in the morning? Why do I have such amazing family and friends? Why have I gone through trials ? Why was I allowed to go through college and get a great job? Why do I lose my phone every time I go some where? Why do I have a husband who loves Jesus, but friends at work who may not know Him?

It all comes back to just one thing......Him.

Yes I know Christ is so controversial these days, but that's just silly. Anyway here is where all this is going.... Do you ever feel like you are waiting until the right time to "go all out" for Jesus.

Like for example, Aaron and I have this thing that is very close to our hearts. Tithing. yea yea, the 10% thing you say. No, more than that. We like to give our tithe to people who are in need. In other words we are "THOSE PEOPLE." The ones at church who don't put money in the plate every time it is passed around.

We are just very practical in this area. I mean if I know a friend who can't afford to pay the electric bill this month, why not pay it for them. And what if it is more than 10%???? Are we willing to give out of our poverty just as we would right after we got paid?

Don't take this as us tooting our horn, because there have been 101 and time that I have second guessed what God would have me do, and therefore missed a chance to change someone's life. Here is my point.......... I am not going to wait anymore for the RIGHT moment to do something, or the perfect time to bless someone. FORGET IT!!!

EVERY DAY, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY HOUR.......I am going to find a way to let other people know that they are loved and they are worth it!!!

The first things that pop into my mind......
1. Go buy 20 dollars worth of breakfast sandwiches on Sat. morning and hand them out to whoever, people in line, people on the street.......whoever
2. Make sure my friends at work know they are loved by Jesus Christ himself, even if they think I am a Bible beater, goodie goodie, whatever! ITS WORTH IT!
3. Call my grandmothers and tell them I love them.
4. Make sure my husband knows He is the best husband in the world!
5. Send my friends some mail, REAL hand written MAIL!!!

I'm sure I will think of some more, but in the mean time.......DON'T WAIT!

Go bless someone! WHY you ask........I dunno, just blame it on HIM!!

HAVE A VERYYYYY HAPPY WEEK, and make sure someone else does too!!!

1 comment:

Teresa Dyson said...

Hey you 2 kiddos! Sounds like life if going good for you!! Tanner got MVP at the soccer banquet Sat. night!!! Gooooooo Tanner!! Give Krunch and Kano a hug from me!!

Love y'all bunches!!
MOM in Pampa